[ase-users] Cores

Marcin Dulak Marcin.Dulak at fysik.dtu.dk
Tue Apr 19 10:59:04 CEST 2011


if you use k-points please have a look at the vasp recommendation from
http://www.raunvis.hi.is/~finnboo/bjolfur/ (last section: running in 
one processor per k-point (the number of k-points is printed in the txt 
Make an experiment to verify that this holds for the configuration of 
your cluster.
If you don't have k-points then you have to make experiments
described at 
Usually people run dacapo jobs on 8-32 cores.

Best regards,


Tadeu Leonardo Soares e Silva wrote:
> Dear Marcin
> How do I do to calculate how many cores should I to use in Jacapo? I have a 
> cluster with 400 cores. Could I to use all cores for a job?
> Sincerely,
> Tadeu
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Marcin Dulak
Technical University of Denmark
Department of Physics
Building 307, Room 229
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
Tel.: (+45) 4525 3157
Fax.: (+45) 4593 2399
email: Marcin.Dulak at fysik.dtu.dk


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