[ase-users] Can you help me, please?

Tadeu Leonardo Soares e Silva tsilva at peq.coppe.ufrj.br
Fri Mar 18 20:40:20 CET 2011


Can you help me, please? I have the following mistake:

File "<PATH>/ScientificPython-2.8/lib64/python/Scientific/IO/NetCDF.py", 
line 165, in <module>
    from Scientific_netcdf import *
ImportError: <PATH>/ScientificPython-
2.8/lib64/python/Scientific/linux2/Scientific_netcdf.so: undefined symbol: 

The netcdf's compilation was made using icc, ifort and MKL libraries but the 
ScientificPython's compilation with gcc.

Would I like know if the python can be compiled with Intel's compiler? 

I think so that it would be my mistake.

How should I to make?




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