[ase-users] Parallelization over images with arbitrary calculator

Benedikt Ziebarth benedikt.ziebarth at kit.edu
Fri Feb 15 12:10:25 CET 2013

Thanks for the comments, I found that this is exactly the problem when 
discussing it in the mpi4py mailing list.
Right now I am working on a multithreaded version of NEB in order to 
circumvent the problem (Its running so far but I would like to make some 
more tests before sharing it).

For Siesta, this is straight forward as you can asign different prefix 
for tmp. files. However, for other calculators like VASP where all temp 
and out files look exactly the same, one will needs some kind of 
"labeling" for simultaneous calculations in order to keep the 
calculations for each images apart from each other.
I am not sure if this should be in the responsibility of  the 
calculators or of the neb routine. For the case of the latter one, I 
have no idea how to do that.

About the calculators:
Why not create a global python file where one should put all necessary 
variables/commands for the programs to run, e.g.



def run_siesta(label,nprocs=1):
     if nprocs==1:
         return os.system('/path/to/siesta < %s.fdf > %s.txt' % 
(label,label) )
         return os.system('%s -np %d /path/to/siesta < %s.fdf > %s.txt' 
% (mpirun,nprocs,label,label) )

and so on

Of course this requires some changes in the calculators interface, but I 
guess they are relatively small.


On 02/15/2013 08:00 AM, Jens Jørgen Mortensen wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I am looking for a way to start a NEB calculation with image
>> parallelization using  siesta.
>> In my calculations 6 CPUs are distributed over 3 images, therefore each
>> image should run with 2 CPUs.
>> Since the siesta calculator does not directly support the
>> parallelization, I was trying a work around by starting the neb-python
>> script using
>> mpirun -np 3 neb.py
>> and  in  "run_siesta.py"  I was changing the way how  siesta is started
>> from "siesta" to  "mpirun -np 2 siesta"
>> the neb.py starts up correctly but when siesta is initialized, it just
>> crashed  with the error message  "OOB: Connection to HNP lost" and no
>> further information or error message. The siesta output is empty.
>> If I dont change "siesta" to "mpirun -np 2 siesta" it runs fine.
> Looks like running MPI from inside MPI doesn't work - which means you
> are out of luck with our current NEB implementation in ASE. Someone
> could make our NEB implementation run in three threads instead of three
> MPI processes - I think such a multithreaded NEB would work for your case.
> Jens Jørgen
>> Cheers and thanks for any help in advance
>> Benedikt Ziebarth
>> import mpi4py
>> from ase import *
>> import ase.io as io
>> from ase.calculators.siesta import Siesta
>> import time
>> from ase.optimize import MDMin
>> import os
>> from ase.neb import NEB
>> from ase.parallel import rank, size
>> from ase.io.trajectory import PickleTrajectory
>> import time
>> initial = io.read('init.traj')
>> final = io.read('final.traj')
>> numimages=3
>> print size
>> print rank
>> assert numimages == size
>> images = [initial]
>> calc=['z']*numimages
>> for i in range(numimages):
>>      print calc[i]
>>      calc[i]=Siesta(label='IMAGE_%d'%i,\
>>                  xc='PBE',\
>>                  meshcutoff=200 * 13.6,\
>>                  basis='dzp',\
>>                  kpts=[1,1,4])
>>      calc[i].set_fdf('Diag.ParallelOverK',True)
>> for i in range(numimages):
>>        image = initial.copy()
>>        if i == rank:
>>            image.set_calculator(calc[i])
>>        images.append(image)
>> images.append(final)
>> time.sleep(rank*1) #needed to avoid some copy errors of the pseudo
>> potential files
>> neb = NEB(images, parallel=True)
>> neb.interpolate()
>> qn = MDMin(neb)
>> time.sleep(rank*1) #needed to avoid some copy errors of the pseudo
>> potential files
>> traj = PickleTrajectory('neb%d.traj' % rank, 'w', images[1 + rank],
>> master=True)
>> qn.attach(traj)
>> qn.run(fmax=0.05)
> As a personal preference :-), I do not like that heavy calculations
> get run when one creates an object (even though some GPAW
> functionality behaves this way), but that user has to explicitly
> request calculation by calling a function.
> Also, I think that the above approach brings up the question whether
> one attaches atoms to a calculator, and asks calculator to determine
> physical quantities for this atomic configuration, or attaches
> calculator to atoms and asks physical quantities from atoms object,
> i.e. which comes first, atoms or calculator? There is already some
> controversy as some quantities are requested from atoms (energy,
> forces), and some from the calculator (wavefunctions, densities).
> Personally, I do not have strong feelings over this matter, asking
> atoms is maybe a little bit more physics oriented (calculator is just
> black box providing numbers), on the other hand asking calculator
> would unify things in the sense that everything is requested from
> calculator (quantities available from MD calculator are of course
> quite different than the ones availabe from DFT calculator).
> One question that should maybe also discussed is if there should
> standard way to specify the command/binary to be executed when
> calculator is run. Some calculators (e.g. Siesta) request a python
> script containing the actual command to be executed, while other
> calculators (e.g. Castep) ask for a shell command. I prefer the shell
> command, as it is easier to specify e.g. number of CPUs within a batch
> job script (at least for casual user who is used to do something like
> 'mpirun -np 8 siesta'). People wanting to script everything may prefer
> the first option...
> Best regards,
> Jussi

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