[ase-users] Relax with constraints: fixed atoms and fixed dihedral

Alessandro Pirrotta alessandro.pirrotta at chem.ku.dk
Thu Oct 13 12:34:20 CEST 2016

Dear ASE community,

I am trying to relax a molecular junction with pbc with 2 types of constraints:
1) contact atoms position fixed;
2) a dihedral within the molecule fixed.

The relaxation step crashes the calculation giving the attached error output.
I don’t know weather this belong to the GPAW mailing list.
I have attached also copy of the script lines responsible for this error: I have used the same script without dihedral constraint but with FixAtoms previously and it works just fine. so I believe FixInternals is the cause.

Can anybody help?

Alessandro Pirrotta
PhD student

Faculty of Science
Department of Chemistry &
Nano-Science Center
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 5, C321
2100 Copenhagen Ø

DIR +45 21 18 11 90
MOB +45 52 81 23 41

alessandro.pirrotta at chem.ku.dk<mailto:alessandro.pirrotta at chem.ku.dk>

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