[gpaw-users] GPAW-developer online meeting

Jens Jørgen Mortensen jjmo at dtu.dk
Tue Sep 10 12:40:48 CEST 2024


I'd like to arrange an online meeting for GPAW-developers and everyone 
else interested in GPAW-development.

It will take place Tuesday October 8 some time after lunch - Danish time 
(more details later).

The plan is to have a number of short ~15 minute presentations separated 
by plenty of time for discussion.  If you would like to contribute one 
of those presentations then send me a title and/or short description and 
I will compile a program.

I'd like the talks to be informal with emphasis on code-development and 
not so much on latest results.  We'll not be recording the talks.

If you have already, are planning to or would like to implement 
something in GPAW then this is for you - let us know what you are 
working on.  If you have an open merge-request on GitLab then this is 
also for you.

I'd like to give the first presentation - about some of the changes 
taking place in the code at the moment and how that will affect all of 
us in the future.

See you,
Jens Jørgen

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